SPSUACE scientists offered ways of decrease risk of accidents on roads
Employees of the department of land transport-technological cars of St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering Е. V.Kurakina and S.S.Evtjukov conducted research of a condition of parametres in road building and developed a complex of actions directed on liquidation of places of road accidents and decrease risk of accidents as a whole. Results of the research were published in the journal«Architecture and Engineering».
Stanislav S. Evtjukov – PhD in engineering, a senior lecturer of the department of land transport-technological cars. He participated in more than 15 international and All-Russia scientific conferences. Scientific interests of the scientist include working out methods of analysis and road accident reconstruction, organization and safety of traffic on motor transport, road and building technics. S.S.Evtjukov published more than 35 scientific works, including - 3 articles in Scopus and Web of Science.
Elena V. Kurakina - PhD in engineering, a senior lecturer of the department of land transport-technological cars. Participated in more than 10 international and All-Russia scientific conferences. The sphere of scientific interests of Elena V. Kurakina includes organization and safety of traffic on motor transport, examination of road and transport accidents, not destroying control for road and transport research. Elena Vladimirovna - the author of more than 30 scientific works, including 1 article in Scopus and Web of Science.
Safety of traffic worldwide is an essential indicator of trouble-free and functioning system « Driver - Car - Road − Environment» (DCRE), each component of which (subsystem) is interconnected and affects against each other, and a safety indicator on roads is absence of road and transport accidents (road accident) with victims. The carried out analysis of basic and relative indicators of road and transport risk of accidents in 2007-2016 testifies to some improvement of a situation from safety of traffic in the Russian Federation. Complex research of the system DCRE and its structural subsystems allowed to allocate problem zones on which to be directed efforts first of all.
Results of the research held in 2017, are based on application of advanced system of the account of parametres of highways on all life cycle. Discrepancy to standard requirements on design stages and buildings led to negative consequences in operation. For example, untimely destruction of a road covering, formation of wheel tracking, low coupling qualities of road covering, a condition of a drive way part and roadsides, especially during winter period which provoke under abnormal condition-dangerous situations on roads that generally reduces road safety and conducts to increase in number of road accidents. Process of definition of lacks and their further elimination was reduced to performance of expert research which represented a complex of the consecutive systematized theoretical and practical ways or actions directed on revealing the reasons and factors, entailed refusal occurrence in system DCRE. Refusal in system means infringement of an efficient condition of one of key components - "Car", "Driver", "Road" or their interrelations, including "Environment" which in turn cease to carry out partially or entirely the set functions that leads to infringement of safe work of all the system. The analysis of infringement of working capacity or the refusal prevention is executed by means of qualitative expert research.
Research was focused on parametres of a condition of land vehicles and objects of road infrastructure, and also result of their adverse influence - quantity of road and transport accidents. Research problems concerned the analysis of the statistical data of risk accidents on highways and revealing of parametres for the purpose of the further establishment of efficiency of offered actions in the road-building sphere directed on reduction of number of road and transport accidents; reception of facts about parametres of the condition by means of modern automated, multipurpose diagnostic equipment; working out actions directed on perfection of parametres of the road infrastructure by increase of traffic safety, and also actions directed on reconstruction of highways or building sites, proved by the project; definition of efficiency of offered actions.
The analysis of statistical data of risk on highways was executed in the analytical way, including methods of factors of safety and accident risks, a method of revealing sites of concentration of road accidents.
Getting information on geometry of objects of the road environment, transport-operational and technological-operational conditions, characteristic of objects of road infrastructure was executed by means of diagnostic and program-computing ways of reception and processing of parametrical characteristics, including regular monitoring, a method of definition of cross-section flatness of the road covering a dynamometric method of definition of flatness of a portly covering, a method of definition of factor of coupling of an automobile tire with a road covering, a method of definition of a roughness of a portly covering, a method of definition of durability of the road design, the automated calculation and the analysis, a method of a panoramic video shooting of highways.
There was mathematically received a model of realization of process of expert research taking into account investigated parametres. There was established dependence of process of the research held in the diagnostic way in which course parametres of a condition of the road infrastructure are defined. Also the algorithm of research of a condition of parametres of the road infrastructure was developed.
The estimation of parametrical characteristics of objects and conditions which represent the conclusion about results of the conducted research is executed, the last is directed on the following: a breakdown susceptibility condition on an investigated site; revealing sites of concentration of road accidents on highways; definition of "weak" sites of highways for the purpose of definition of a qualitative making road infrastructure; creation of the automated bank of the road data (ABRA)about "weak" sites of highways for the purpose of knowledge and improvement of quality of performance of expert researches; conformity of the received values of parametres of a condition of vehicles and the road infrastructure to requirements of standard-legal documents; definition of risk of road accidents.
On the basis of the received data the actions directed on perfection of parametres of the road infrastructure by increase of traffic safety , and also the actions directed on reconstruction of a highway or building sites, proved by the project are developed.
The research was spent on highways of Leningrad region. As an example there was presented the highway site « Entrance to Kolpino». Results of natural research of the place of concentration of road accidents « Entrance to Kolpino» were received. The actions directed on liquidation of places of concentration of road accidents were developed. For the given site, generated in the list of measures and classified on low-cost, average-cost and high-cost packages.
Prime actions, priority perspective with expected change of a condition of risk accidents (%) as a result of their carrying out were offered for liquidation of places of concentration of road accidents. The obligatory actions directed on increase of traffic safety traffic were recommended to correspond to GOST Р 50597, making demands to operational conditions, admissible on conditions of traffic safety.
The analysis of the data received diagnostically and processed analytically and program-computing methods, gives the chance to receive actual results of a security status of traffic and conformity of parametres standard requirements. Reception of actual results about parametres allows to develop the actions directed on liquidation of places of road accidents, decrease accident risk as a whole. And also for forecasting occurrence of risk of road accidents, including on places of concentration of road accidents.

Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет