Welcome to guests of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering from Poland

On July 13, 2016 a group of students of Krakow polytechnic university (Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki) came to Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering on a return visit within the frame of the student internship. The visit will last ten days.

Within the frame of the visit guests met dean of the Faculty of civil engineering Alexander N. Panin, who presented information about university structure and education programmes and about success of our students in academic, public and scientific activity, existing programmes of international exchange and scientific researches.

Students of Krakow polytechnic university visited Museum of Saint Petersburg brick history, Fundamental library and Museum of history of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering, exposition and funds of which present the past and the present of the University, form the basis for excursions, scientific researches and education activity, architectural and engineering science and practice.

Later guests visited three laboratories of the university. Laboratory of mechanic tests of building materials and constructions is equipped with modern versatile equipment. Here a wide range of applied experiments are executed at large scale models and samples, results of which allow improving and acquiring new calculation methods.

Analytical laboratory is equipped with facilities, which allow conducting investigations of various materials at micro and submirco levels; carry out high quality quantitative phase-shift analysis of mineral raw material, artificial stone materials, mixtures and concretes; define size of particles, z-potential and molecule mass of particles, macro molecules and molecular mixes in liquids; study the structure of porous materials samples (including nano-materials) without sample break and application of gases and mercury.

Thanks to modern equipment and highly qualified personnel of the laboratory of concrete technology there are conducted complex tests of concrete and reinforced concrete constructions, reinforcement, concrete and mortar mixes of various types, binding substances and admixtures.

At the laboratory of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering it is constantly carried out work covering a number of issues in improvement of technological processes, usage of byproducts and local raw materials, technology of heavy and light concretes, heat insulation materials and artificial porous aggregates. During quite a shore period basing on the results of investigations, which had been carried out at laboratories, there were developed nano-modifed concrete mixes, nano-modifed mortar for ammonia purification of residential buildings; fiber concrete mixes applied for manufacture of cast-in-place and precast reinforced concrete products and constructions; structural and technological model and methods of substance efficiency analysis, technological processes and quality of finish foods in production of building composite materials using nano-systems; method of assessing the compatibility of carbon nanostructures with additives of different chemical nature; improvement of durability and corrosion resistance of cement composites by using the potential of nano-modified additives.

Scientific research fundamental and applied activity is carried out upon the state request of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation ad orders of other ministries and authorities, as well as within the frame if various grants, including own non-budgetary means of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering, aimed at popularization of science and attraction of students to scientific research activity.

At the end of their visit to the University students of Krakow Polytechnic university got acquainted with projects, carried out at the Faculty of architecture.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет