Winter cup KVN!
On December 03, 2015 at the Assembly hall of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering there was held a Winter cup of KVN of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. In the contest there participated six teams, which represented universities of Saint Petersburg. The board of judges consisted of: head of the department of youth policy and interaction with public organizations of the Admiralty district administration Ilona B. Sumarokova, director of the International league of KVN “Baltika” Andris Paberzs, director of groups “Kino” and “Viktor” Yury V. Belishkin, participant of team KVN “INZHEKON”, participant of the Higher League in 2011, head of the department of social and extra-curricular activity with students of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering Irina V. Nuryeva, head of the team KVN “Victory park”, semi-finalist of Central Ryazan league Talgat Galimzhanov.
Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering was represented by two teams. The team KVN “Billy Milligan” already took part in the inter-faculty games, that is why the audience was glad to meet their old friends. For the team KVN “House basing on the piles” the performance became the first one. Despite of agitation and lack of experience the students felt confident on the stage. And this is not surprising actually, as their jokes related to engineering, which are so familiar to each student, sitting in the hall.
In the cup there also participated teams KVN “Full hit” (higher school of economics), “NEEDED” (Finance university of Russia), “Impulse” (University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics), and team KVN “More”, participants of which are students of different universities. By the warm and friendly atmosphere in the Assembly hall it was vivid that students of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering missed KVN and their beloved teams. It was pleasant to see fans who came to the contest with smiles on their faces and big posters in their hands. The results of the contest were the following: team KVN “More” got 10 points and won the first prize, the second prize was granted to team “Billy Milligan” (9 points) and the honorary third prize was given to team “impulse” (8,9 points). Teams “Full hit” and “House basing on the piles” got 8,5 and 8 points respectively.
So we can say that the Winter Cup KVN at Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering was successful. This event became a good present for the New Year! Now let’s wait for the new season of KVN games at out university and for sure hope to meet our favorite teams.
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