Scientific and practical conference “Forms and methods of countering the spread of extremism and terrorism among young people. The role and tasks of educational institutions”

On November 26, 2015 in Moscow there started working the scientific and practical conference “Forms and methods of countering the spread of extremism and terrorism among young people. The role and tasks of educational institutions”. Organizer of the conference is Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation. Participants of the conference are directors of the Education Committee of State Duma, Committee of Federation council of science, education, culture and information politics, Academy of civil defense of the Ministry of emergencies of the Russian Federation, National counter terrorist committee, Association of counter terror veterans, religion scientists, representatives of educational organizations of Russia of various levels.

From Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering at the conference there participated vice-rector for external relations and youth policy, D.Sc. in history Irina Yu. Lapina and associate professor of the chair of history and philosophy, PhD in history S.Yu. Kargapoltsev.

Political and social and economic events during the recent decades damaged education infrastructure, national training and increased number of young people who are involved in international conflicts, terrorist and extremist organizations.

Terrorist ideology, which is based on the ideas of religious and political extremism, is a critical problem for safety both in Russia and in the world as a whole.

Formation of tolerant view and prevention of involvement of young people into terrorist organizations, in particular Islamic state (which is prohibited in Russia) has become a topical issued of modern Russia. Development and realization of state measures aimed at formation of tolerance and prevention of extremism in the Russian society is a complex task, which requires coordination of the federal authorities, social organizations and religious confessions.

The conference is devoted to the extremely important problem, development of the efficient system of measures of terrorism prevention among young people.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет