At Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering there was opened an exhibition of summer works of professors of the chair of architectural design

On September 14, 2015 in the auditorium 505-A at Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering there was opened an exhibition of summer works of professors of the chair of architectural design. At the exhibition there are presented graving and painting works: pencil drawing of associate professor, PhD in architecture Yury D. Brusnikin, water color works of senior professor Elena G. Voitsekhovskaya and senior professor Igor A. Ivanov, drawings made in gel pens by senior professor Aleksey V. Mikhalychev.

The works presented at the exhibition depict beauty of various places of the world: native Saint Petersburg, far Lisboan, Riga, Finland, and Cyprus Island. All works are made at a high level and with focus on each and every detail. Authors managed to depict mode shades and create a collective architectural image of the city.

Such exhibitions are regularly held in our university. Their purpose is to get visitors acquainted with the works of our prominent professors, to provoke interest to art, deep understanding of architectural styles and the world as a whole. As Aleksey V. Mikhalychev said “when drawing, you pass the world through yourself, become a part of it. You understand the world through experience. This is necessary for every human being and especially an architect. ”.

The exhibition of summer works of professors of the chair of architectural design will be open till October 25, 2015.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет