When compiling the ranking, only objective statistics from Russian and foreign sources were taken into account, such as Employment Monitoring on graduates by the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Web Of Science Core Collection database, Wikipedia Internet Encyclopedia, Alexa web analytics company, Vkontakte and Facebook social networks, and the own data of the RAEX agency. Subjective expert interviews have not been conducted.
SPbGASU is among the universities with the top impact on society
SPbGASU is among the universities with the top impact on society
On March 11, the RAEX ranking agency published a ranking of the influence of Russian higher education institutions. This rating was compiled for the first time.

The ranking was based on four criteria of impact:
- Influence on the formation of elites, which comprises the number of graduates who have become top managers of the largest companies in Russia or have achieved great success in other areas
- Impact on the scientific community, which comprises the number of publications in scientific sources and citation indexes
- Impact on the popularity among young people composed of the USE score for admission, the cost of fee-based training, and the number of Olympiad winners who enrolled to the university
- Impact on the Internet audience, which comprises the number of subscribers in social networks, the number of people who regularly visit the university’s website and read about it on Wikipedia.
✔ Altogether, the ranking includes 75 universities with the utmost influence on society; 9 of those are in St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering took 67th position in the ranking.
Our university consistently belongs to the top 100 universities in Russia. The knowledge and expert experience accumulated here is in demand by the industry and the region. Interest in the university from industry partners is growing due to the spread of new information technologies in construction and the need to train personnel with relevant competencies. SPbGASU participates in significant projects for the industry, holds scientific, research and practical conferences and seminars, organizes educational, competitive, and cultural events for students. Of course, all this makes our university attractive for applicants, partners and employers.
You can view the ranking here: https://raex-a.ru/rankings/vuz/vuz_influence
✔ Learn more about the quality of education at the university, graduates employment, and take a look at the university’s positions in rankings
Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет
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