Sevastopol State University and the Museum at Mikhailovskaya Battery in Sevastopol Will Create a Depository of Underwater Archaeological Finds

Sevastopol State University and the Museum at Mikhailovskaya Battery in Sevastopol will jointly create a regional depository of marine archaeological finds with the possibility of storing the stock underwater at the Balaklava Underground Museum Complex. The corresponding agreement was signed by the rector of Sevastopol State University, Vladimir Nechaev and the Director of the Military History Museum of Fortifications at the Mikhailovskaya Battery, Yuri Tarariev. “The system of underwater structures in Balaklava has unique conditions for the preservation of artefacts as it is a closed and guarded water area with minimal undercurrent and dim light, ”said Viktor Lebedinsky, the leading scientific researcher at Sevastopol State University.According to Lebedinsky, these factors make it possible to organize a unique depository, which will be the first in Russia and can claim world significance. “We have signed an agreement and we are now moving on to practical actions, more than 40 items lifted from the bottom of the sea are already in our custody,” said Yuri Tarariev.
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