The study showed that St. Petersburg is a strong educational mobility center for applicants from the best Russian schools: 60% of freshmen at the top universities of our city came to study from other RF subjects.
SPbGASU ranks 53rd in the list of 100 best universities in Russia - 2019
SPbGASU ranks 53rd in the list of 100 best universities in Russia - 2019
On June 5, in Moscow, the 7th Global Forum of Universities, the RAEX Agency presented the results of the eighth annual ranking of the “100 Best Universities of Russia.” The ranking is based on the statistical indexes of education quality, employers’ demand and research activities, along with the outcomes of surveys among 60 thousand respondents from academic and scientific circles, students, alumni, and employers.

The 7th Global Forum of Universities, June 5, 2019
By the results of general ranking, SPbGASU took the 53rd place; by employers’ demand for graduates it ranks 25th and belongs to the group of the best universities. Among St. Petersburg universities, SPbGASU is the 9th. In the five years of participation in the rankings, SPbGASU has significantly strengthened its positions, having advanced by 17 points (from the 70th to 53rd place).
In addition to the presentation of the ranking results, traditionally, under discussion at the Forum were matters of sustainable university development in the context of new global challenges, practical experience of competitiveness enhancement and impact of the rankings on the internal university processes.
Special attention was paid to the digitalization of the educational environment and active promotion of online education. This year, the first ever ranking of the best universities in the field of IT was also presented.
In the context of the commencement of the admission campaign-2019, outcomes of the “100 Best Universities of Russia,” the ranking will be quite helpful for the applicants and their parents for choosing the institution for quality and highly demanded higher education.
✔You can find more about the analytical materials provided by RAEX here
Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет
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