SPbGASU in Round University Ranking

SPbGASU in Round University Ranking

On April 17, 2019, Round University Ranking was published. SPbGASU got the 66th place among Russian universities and 784th place in the world.

Какой рейтинг у СПбГАСУ в мире и в России, результаты 2019 года

SPbGASU has shown good growth rates in Russian university rankings and entered the international arena

What Do You Need to Know About Higher Education Rankings?

  • Ranking is an independent estimation of higher education quality assurance,
  • Each ranking has its own methods and criteria which estimate a university from many sides,
  • Rankings allow you to compare quality of education, science and international activity, and they also help universities to develop their development programme and improve competitiveness in international academia.

✔ Two days are left
to vote for SPbGASU in another ranking (in Russian)!

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет