“Pedagogical Parallels” in SPbGASU

On October 31, 2018 VI International Scientific Conference “Pedagogical Parallels” was held in SPbGASU.

The purpose of the conference was to analyze traditional and new concepts and methods of higher education, analyze international experience and new communication technologies in education and science.

The main research areas of the conference were history of pedagogics, current issues of modern education and science, educational technologies, modern pedagogical technologies and more.

Vice Rector for Science and Technology Affairs and Further Education Dyachkova greeted the conference participants; in her presentation she drew attention to continuing professional development issues.

Associate Professor Kargapoltsev (Department of History and Philosophy) noticed growth of interest to current issues of education and science: “We must integrate into modern education processes, adapt and develop new algorithms. We must be ready to new directions and decisions”.

Head of the Department of Computer Science Semenov told about IT use in civil engineering universities and BIM implementation in SPbGASU.

Plenary meeting speakers were Associate Professor Smirnova (Department of Technosphere Safety) with a report about labour safety in modern high school, and Associate Professor Panov (Department of Technosphere Safety) with a report about life safety in educational institution.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет