The Results of the International Conference "Environmental, Industrial and Energy Security" Were Summed Up at Sevastopol State University

More than 150 scientists from Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Myanmar, Japan and China, as well as representatives of enterprises and public organizations met at the site of the Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University to discuss issues of energy, environmental and technosphere safety in Sevastopol and Crimea. The conference was held with the support of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research. The Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University has been developing the topic of environmental safety for many years. It is considered that is one of the areas that will play an important role not only in the development of Sevastopol, but also of the country. Around the world, reducing the impact of technological progress on nature is an ongoing process. Scientists shared research experience and talked about scientific projects on monitoring and control of the environment, discussed eco-biological problems of the regions, reasonable management of natural resources and the problems and prospects of new nuclear chemical technologies. This year, the topic of traditional and renewable energy sources has been a particularly interesting and promising one for Sevastopol State University. “Now, scientists have almost stopped dividing energy into traditional and unconventional forms, unconventional is slowly becoming common, and solar and wind energy sources provide electricity to entire regions”, said Yulia Omelchuk, director of the Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of Sevastopol State University. At the conference, Solar Energy LLC donated a tracker and a wind-solar installation to Sevastopol State University. The equipment was installed in the sports and recreation centre ‘Горизонтээ, it will create an engineering centre for the development and implementation of renewable energy technologies and will supply ‘Горизонт’ with electricity. “This is a pilot project on the use of technologies of alternative energy sources in our university. According to preliminary calculations, the equipment will be able to meet at least a third of the needs of ‘Горизонт’. The plans also include the creation of a scientific and practical laboratory studying types of renewable marine energy that have an experimental facility”, said Yulia Omelchuk. Scientists discussed ways to monitor the environment and analyze man-made risks to prevent emergencies. Colleagues from St. Petersburg and Vladivostok offered nuclear scientists from Sevastopol State University an opportunity to participate in a project to develop technologies for decommissioning nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities. [heading color="#808080" style_color="#4184C2" align="left" width="95" size="13" margin="0"]sevsu[/heading] [gallery title="Photo:" width="640" height="480" columns="4"][gallery_item title="1" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="2" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="3" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="4" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="5" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="6" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="7" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="8" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="9" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="10" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="11" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="12" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][/gallery]
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