I International Forum of Transport Infrastructure
On 27-30 November, 2018 I International Forum of Transport Infrastructure will be held in Saint- Petersburg.
The forum is organized by the Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure of Saint-Petersburg and the Association of Enterprises of Road Complex.
The event will bring together representatives of government agencies, manufacturers, suppliers of equipment, machinery and materials for the road economy, designers and builders from different regions of Russia and abroad.
During the forum the Festival of Investment Projects is planned – the exchange of interregional and international experience in the preparation of construction of transport infrastructure facilities on the basis of public-private partnership. The forum participants will be able to see the latest innovations in technology, to get acquainted with the latest technology in the field of design and construction of transport facilities.
Detailed information and registration for the event is available at https://roadforumspb.com.

Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет