The Quality of Electrical Products Produced in Russia is Controlled by Graduates of Sevastopol State University

The master's programme "Information and Measurement of Equipment and Technologies" is focused on training specialists in the research, development, implementation and operation of information and measurement systems. The programme includes research and design modules using digital design.The main goal of the programme is to form graduates' readiness to participate in projects on the development and implementation of innovative information and measurement technologies. "One of the biggest technological operations is the quality control of products. In order to continuously improve the quality of products it is necessary to improve the equipment and technologies, which poses new challenges in the creation of monitoring and diagnostic devices. They are solved by our master’s students", said Alexei Balakin, the supervisor of the programme. Features of training: a practical focus in the programme and project activities in small groups. Students solve real research and design tasks related to the development of measuring equipment. They have their practical training in the Design Bureau of Switching Equipment, in the Department of Technical Control. "Students usually stay there to work", Balakin said. Alexei Balakin believes that the level of professional knowledge and skills gained through the programme will allow graduates to occupy leading engineering positions in industrial enterprises, design offices and design organizations.
Севастопольский государственный университет