Sevastopol State University Will Begin Training Specialists In Robotic Engineering

Students studying the academic programme ‘Systems and Control Engineering’ at Sevastopol State University will begin to study robotic engineering from September 2018. "Traditionally, we taught students the development of control systems. However, the absence of an object of control led to the fact that the knowledge was mainly theoretical. Therefore, while modernizing the program, we decided to target it with mobile robotics. This will give students an object for which they will develop a control system”, explained Alexei Kabanov, head of the department ‘Systems and Control Engineering’ at Sevastopol State University.The result of the first two years of study will be a demonstration exam for the international standard ‘Worldskills’."It consists of several stages of development. Firstly, the design of the mobile robot, then its production and finally its programming and algorithmization to solve the given tasks. In the end, you need to know the appropriate software and image processing methods and be able to use them”, Kabanov said.An innovative method of teaching will be used instead of the traditional attendance at seminars. Students will work in groups of two or three people under the guidance of a mentor.After passing a practical exam in robotic engineering, students will be able to deepen their theoretical knowledge further. The department is confident that graduates of this course will be in demand in Russia.
Севастопольский государственный университет