Sevastopol State University Will Open a ‘Department Of Innovative Radioelectronics’ together With ООО ‘URANIS’

In September 2018, students of the Institute of Radioelectronics and Information Security will undergo their practical training at the Department of Innovative Radioelectronics. The department will be located on the territory of the Russian radioelectronics company ‘URANIS’ in Sevastopol.For reference: OAO ‘URANIS-Radio Systems’ and ООО 'URANIS' are world leaders in the development and production of components of HF (High Frequency) and VHF (Very High Frequency) radio communication systems as well as marine radioelectronic equipment."We are working very closely with Sevastopol State University. We have a long-standing and friendly business relationship. Adepartment training radio technicians is being created at our enterprise. Students will undergo practical courses to learn about the products that we are developing ", said Leonid Kalyuzhny, the Executive Director of 'URANIS'.Students who study the bachelor programme ‘Radioelectronic Systems and Complexes’, at the departments of ‘Radio Engineering’, ‘Infocommunication Technologies and Communication systems’ and ‘Electronics and Nanoelectronics’, will be involved in scientific and practical activities. They will take part in the designing and development of emergency marine satellite buoys and instruments for monitoring their parameters, antenna matching devices, digital filters, power amplifiers and modern communication systems."The educational process will be based on innovative, knowledge-based approaches to the design of microwave devices and radio equipment, as well as tele- and infocommunication systems. This will allow the training of highly qualified specialists who will be in demand at production and design bureaus”, said Pavel Ermolov, an associate professor of the Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunications.Students will have practical work at 'URANIS-radio systems' and 'URANIS' enterprises in the following areas: innovative and project activities, information technologies in science and education, methodology of scientific activity, programming innovative radioelectronic devices and management of innovations in radioelectronics and infocommunications. Students will also undergo pre-diploma practical work at the enterprise.In addition to improving the quality of teaching, such interaction with a leading enterprise of the electronics industry will allow the selection of the most successful students in the period of study with the prospect of further employment at 'URANIS'.
Севастопольский государственный университет