Technology of 3D printing in construction
The Master's work "Improvement of 3D printing technology in construction" was defended at the Department of Technology of Engineering Constructions of SPSUACE. The author of the work is the undergraduate Natalya Gorovaya, the supervisor is Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor A.N. Egorov.
At the first stage of her work Natalia Gorovaya analyzed and systematized the main 3D printing technologies that are currently used in the erection of buildings.
Based on the analysis performed, the author developed a system of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of 3D printing technologies.
At the followings stages of the study, an expert analysis was conducted to evaluate existing 3D technologies, which allowed building new mathematical models reflecting the properties of the 3D printing technologies being studied.
The Master developed a new constructive and technological solution for a 3D building printer, which would be able to operate on a construction site. At the same time, for the first time, the technological problem of the limitation of the height of the erected buildings has been solved without a floor-by-floor rearrangement of the printer.
Natalia Gorovaya offers a fundamentally new organizational and technological scheme for the erection of the building, which provides the functioning of two construction printers (boom and portal types) and one boom manipulator.
The author of the work presented a model of the construction site, demonstrating the developed organizational and technological scheme of construction with the use of building printers. The layout was performed by a master student using 3D printing in the 3D modeling laboratory of SPSUACE.

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