Sevastopol State University Will Become a Center of Digital Transformation in Crimea

Sevastopol State University Will Become a Center of Digital Transformation in Crimea
The leaders of the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex of Sevastopol and Crimea met with the Union of Young Engineers of Russia and representatives of the Institute of Digital Transformation ‘OPK 4.0’ (‘Defense Industry Complex 4.0’), an integrator of advanced production technologies in the defense industry complex of Russia. The meeting took place at the Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry of the Sevastopol State University. The main agenda of the meeting was a discussion about the digital transformation of industry in Crimea. Reference: Digital transformation is the use of modern technologies to dramatically improve the productivity and usefulness of enterprises. "Sevastopol State University will be the entry point, the window between mainland Russia and Crimea plus a competence center for the introduction of digital transformation in Crimea", said Alexei Chuklin, Deputy Rector for Radiation Safety, Physical Protection, Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials. The representatives of "OPK 4.0" and the Center for Computer Engineering at Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) held a presentation of a model of digital doubles - the advanced technology for carrying out tests and maintaining the life cycle of a product. A digital double is a dynamic digital model of an industrial facility or system that allows companies to analyze and simulate real conditions for improving technological processes. In Crimea it is planned to use the technology in the following areas: radio-electronics, machine-building and rocket engineering. Shipbuilding, as the leading branch of industry in Sevastopol and Crimea is considered to be a priority. "We have a portfolio of advanced technologies and a set of means fine-tuned in practice and now we plan to launch real business processes", said Yevgeny Miroshnichenko, executive director of the Institute of Digital Transformation of ‘OPK 4.0’. A Virtual Design Bureau that will unite specialists from Sevastopol State University, enterprises of Crimea and leading competence centers in the field of digital transformation in Russia will be created within the framework of the project. "The Virtual Design Bureau contains virtual workplaces and the remotely used specialized software necessary to accelerate the digital transformation of Crimea and Sevastopol", said Alexei Chuklin. [gallery title="Photo:" width="640" height="480" columns="4"][gallery_item title="1" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="2" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="3" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="4" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="5" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="6" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="7" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="8" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item] [/gallery]

Партнёр: Севастопольский государственный университет