Scientists of SPSUACE offer а method of reconstruction of the sewage treatment plants using geo-containers

The problem of renovation of former industrial territories is inseparable from the need to purify the environment pollution made by industrial production. Scientists of SPSUACE develop methods of reconstruction of the sewage treatment plants in such territories with the use of geo-containers. In issue 1 (2018) of the journal "Water and Ecology", the co-authored article by Yu. V. Stolbikhin, Senior Teacher of the Department of Water Usage and Ecology of Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, "Reconstruction of the sewage treatment plants using geo-containers" was published.

Yuri Vyacheslavovich Stolbikhin is a young researcher, his scientific interests include receiving and unloading chambers (choking chambers) on sewer networks and microbiological corrosion of sewage collectors. He participated in 8 scientific conferences and published 20 scientific publications in co-authorship. Yuri Vyacheslavovich has 3 patents for the utility model."The development of cities is closely connected with the development of new territories, as well as with the change in the functional purpose of the existing area," – Yuri Stolbikhin says. "The important condition of urban areas expansion is the removal of large industrial enterprises outside the city territory to ensure sanitary and ecological safety of the population”.

The scientist believes that such action certainly leads to the fact that the land previously used for production purposes, becomes residential. As a rule, they have residential objects, business centers, parking lots, parks and recreational areas. In this connection, there are often problems related to the ecological safety of such territories. The concentration of pollutants (composition) in rain or melting water (surface runoff) collected by the storm sewer system, as a rule, depends on the chemical composition of the soil significantly. Often, replacing the infected soil layer is not carried out for economic reasons, so the pollution accumulated in this area for years remains and leads to the secondary pollution of the environment. And the composition of the surface runoff at the point of connection of the storm sewage system from the territory of the facility to the city network is not normal, and causes the imposition of large fines.

Yuri Vyacheslavovich says that this problem was solved by the staff of the Department of Water Usage and Ecology of Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering at one of the sites in St. Petersburg. The reconstruction of existing sewage treatment plants was carried out (at the time of the beginning of the work they were two reinforced concrete reservoirs and they were not used for water purification). In the reservoirs partitions were provided for the separation of several zones, including the settling zone and the zone of sorption filtration. The process of sorption involves the transfer of pollutants (including manganese and zinc) from water into a special fine grade material, called a sorbent. A classic solution when creating a sorption filter is the pressure filter device (i.e., the sorbent is inside a sealed metal casing, and water is fed to it from the pump). In this case, in connection with the customer's requirement, the use of a pressure filter was excluded, so the staff of the department proposed an alternative solution that had not previously been applied.

According to Yu.V. Stolbikhin, geo-textile passes water, while it has high strength properties that allow it to withstand the mass of sorption loading, in contrast to rigid plastic containers (which can also be used for sorption filters). Geo-textile has proved itself well in the technology of sludge dewatering and wastewater treatment. Installation and dismantling of geo-containers is carried out by the crane equipment for the lines attached to them. Each geo-container is calculated for approximately by 1 cubic meter of sorbent. This solution allows efficient use of the filtration area in a rectangular structure due to the deformable soft wall of the geo-container. In addition, the container can be quickly removed from the structure and is subject to regeneration by immersion in a container with saline solution.

The article, published in the journal "Water and Ecology" (2018, No. 1), described this technology. Technological and constructive solutions of the sewage treatment plants and recommendations for operation, presented in the article, can be used at similar industrial sites in Russia.

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет