Visit of delegation of Board of Technology and Design of Vilnius (Lithuania) in SPSUACE

From 14 till 18th May, 2018 in the St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering there was a delegation of Board of Technology and Design of Vilnius (Lithuania) with official visit represented by a teacher of the department of technology of motor transport Alfredas Rimkus and a teacher and the deputy head of administrative management Edita Kachinskene.

Alfredas Rimkus read lectures for students of the auto-road faculty, devoted to alternative kinds of fuel for internal combustion engines. Edita Kachinskene met with SPSUACE administration, there were discussed questions of administrative activity. Visitors from Board of Technology and Design of Vilnius visited a museum of history of SPSUACE, the Museum of the Petersburg brick, Scientific and technical library and laboratories.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет