SPSUACE scientific school won the presidential grant

On 22nd May, 2018 a solemn action on delivery of certificates on the right to receive grants of the President of the Russian Federation according to the Decree of the Head of the state from February, 9th, 2009 № 146 «About measures on strengthening the state support of young Russian scientists - candidates for the doctor of sciences» took place in St.-Petersburg .

In the solemn action there participated: D.Sc. in economics, the Deserved worker of the higher school, the rector of SPSUACE E.I.Rybnov and D.Sc. in economics, the professor, the Head of the department of economics, the head of SPSUACE scientific school V.V. Asaul. Certificates were handed by the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in Northwest Federal region A.D.Beglov.

The scientific school of V.V. Asaul « Intensification of economic growth of Russia by formation of the developed competitive advantages in the sphere of building on the basis of elements of digital economy» became the winner of the competition of 2018 on the state support of leading scientific schools.

We congratulate V.V. Asaul with the deserved victory and also wish the further scientific success!

The full list of winners is under the reference.

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет