Results of St.-Petersburg Championship among students of higher educational organizations
On 25th December, 2017 winners of the city Championship among students of higher educational organizations were awarded in St.-Petersburg.
In the leaving year sportsmen of SPSUACE took part in competitions on 70 kinds of sports. Following the results of all competitions in team rating SPSUACE took the sixth place from 57 possible.
SPSUACE teams got the first places on sambo-wrestling, football, cheerleading.
SPSUACE teams got the second places on hockey, fencing.
Our sportsmen got four third places in the following kinds of sports: mountain skiing, billiards of "Pul-8", sports auto all-round, arm-wrestling.
During the solemn ceremony awards were handed to sambo-wrestling athletes (captain Mail Dzhanetov, the head of the sport section S. M.Til); to SPSUACE hockey team (the head of the sport section L. V.Mayko); to SPSUACE team on arm-wrestling (captain K.Gramotneva, the head -V.V. Volsky)
We wish SPSUACE sportsmen new victories! And a Happy New year!

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