Festival of the first-year student of SPSUACE

On 2nd September, 2017 a bright and unforgettable holiday – the Festival of the first-year student of SPSUACE took place in the Petersburg club "Cosmonaut . The holiday was organized by the Department of social and non-learning work with students and the Center of student's leisure and creativity "Brick".

First-year students were congratulated by the pro-rector on external relations and the youth policy Irina Jurevna Lapina, the head of the department of social and non-learning work with students Irina Valerjevna Nuryeva and by assistants to deans on educational work.

«First of all I wish you successful study. But do not forget about creativity! In the Center of student's leisure and creativity« Brick » there are wonderful studios where you can develop your talents. Tonight students-members of « Brick »club will perform for you on this scene», - said I.V. Nuryeva.

Songs, dances, performances of creative collectives and soloists, kind parting words, competitions, new acquaintances and bright emotions made the Festival of the first-year student unforgettable. Students of the Russian state pedagogical university of A.I. Herzen became guests of honor at the Festival. A student initiation ceremony became a culmination of the evening.

«It’s the first time we’ve had such an unusual party! -first-year students shared their impressions. - we entered SPSUACE! We think we’re the happiest on this planet!»

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет