Visit of Vietnamese delegation in SPSUACE

On 4th July, 2017 the St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering was visited by a delegation of the Hanoi architectural university (Vietnam). The delegation was presented by the pro-rector of the Hanoi architectural university, professor, the doctor of the faculty of municipal government, the director of the department, the head of the council of investments, planning and constructing Hanoi at the Ministry of construction of Vietnam Nguen To Lang; the dean of the faculty of higher education on master and doctoral studies , senior lecturer, doctor Nguen Tuan An; the dean of the faculty of the city infrastructural construction, the head of the chair of water drains, senior lecturer, doctor Chan Than Shon.

SPSUACE was presented by the pro-rector on study Irina Robertovna Lugovskaya, the head of the department of the international education and cooperation Veronica Alievna Artemyeva heads of structural divisions, who participated in negotiations. The visit purpose was to discuss cooperation between two universities. Russian graduates of high schools among whom were graduates of SPSUACE work successfully in SRV. Participants of the meeting talked about scientific and educational activity of universities, expressed interest in new contacts and defined the basic directions to develop possible interaction. An excursion around the University was organized for foreign guests. Both parties were happy with results of the visit. «We have much in common,it is a very pleasant meeting. The following stage is agreement undertaking and its realization», - summed up I.R.Lugovskaja.

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет