Defense of final qualifying works on safety in techno sphere in SPSUACE

On 26 - 27th June, 2017 the defense of final qualifying works of Bachelors trained on specialty 20.03.01 - «Techno sphere safety» took place on Chair of safety in techno sphere of Faculty of environmental engineering and municipal services SPSUACE.

Following the results 15 works were estimated as "perfect"; 3 works were recommended on intra-university competition; 6 graduates got honors degree; all 20 graduates were qualified as Bachelors.

The chairman of the state examination board, D.Sc. in engineering, the professor, the head of the chair of chemical power, the dean of engineering-technological faculty of the St.-Petersburg state institute of technology (technical university) A.S.Masur mentioned a high level of training Bachelors and recommended them to continue training for Master degree.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет