SPSUACE in a rating

On 7th June, 2017 a rating agency RAEX (Expert RА) summed up an annual rating of high schools of Russia. SPSUACE is still in a hundred best universities due to quality of education, a demand of employers and research activity. For the last three years the university has moved from 70th to 63rd place.

The information was declared at V International Forum of high schools in which the chief of department of quality management of SPSUACE M.V.Malyutin and the expert of this department K.A.Egorov took part. At the Forum priorities of universities in a context of global calls, practical experience of increase of competitiveness, influence of ratings on internal processes in high schools were discussed. National and regional ratings are of great interest for all interested parties as it was noted at the forum. The special attention was given to balance search between three key missions of the university: education, science and society and to search KPI for an estimation of the third mission.

The purpose of rating - an estimation of ability of high schools to provide graduates with high quality knowledge, skills and abilities, from conditions to get them to results of their application. At rating drawing up there are used statistics and results of interrogations of 30 thousand respondents: employers, representatives of academic and scientific circles, students and graduates. Definition of rating functionality bases on the analysis of following integrated factors:

1. Conditions for quality education in high school (0,5).

2. Level of a demand of high school graduates by employers (0,3).

3. Level of research activity of high school (0,2).

The rating technique is regularly discussed with representatives of leading high schools of Russia and the stated opinions are taken into account.

Results of the rating "100 best high schools of Russia" will be useful to entrants to make a decision to choose a place for getting qualitative and demanded higher education.

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет