I All-Russia congress of youth media
On 11-12th October, 2016 in Moscow in International News Agency «Russia today» I All-Russia congress of youth media took place. There gathered more than 300 representatives of press-services, press centers, student's editions from 130 high schools of Russia, China and Kazakhstan. The representatives of SPSUACE also participated in the congress.
The congress program included plenary discussions, lectures, master classes. There were discussed questions of legal bases of mass-media work, creations of positive image of high school, working out the plan of creation of a media centre. The leading experts, known journalists, political analysts, bloggers and heads of editions shared secrets of their skill, answered numerous questions.
The importance of media education and creation of a uniform information field of high schools was especially mentioned in the performance of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation O.J.Vasiljeva.
MAST unites some high school media centers of Russia and Kazakhstan. The plans of the organizers actively supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, include regular carrying out training seminars, webinars, master classes for media beginners, selection of the best student's works for display on the Internet channel "Education".
The resolution which will be directed to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation became the result of two -day work of the congress.
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