St.-Petersburg Marketing-club held a session in SPSUACE

On 20th October, 2016 at St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering a session of Marketing-club of St.-Petersburg took place.

Welcoming participants of the session, the pro-rector on study of SPSUACE, D.Sc. in education, the professor I. R.Lugovskaya expressed hope on the further successful cooperation.

Alexander Alekseevich Petrov, D.Sc. in economics, the professor,the head of the chair of organization management of SPSUACE made a report «Modern training of managers in SPSUACE»

The report «Complex and information modeling in designing and construction» was made by the director of Institute of information modeling of SPSUACE Boris Olegovich Kuznetsov.

The public organization «Marketing-club of St.-Petersburg» was founded on 13th December, 1991 with a support of the Union of industrialists and businessmen of St.-Petersburg. Main objectives of club activity are:

  • Development of modern market relations, in particular, in the field of marketing and management, at the enterprises of Petersburg region, by means of management dialogue.
  • Rendering assistance to clubmen in questions of the complex economic analysis and estimation of results of industrial-economic activities at the enterprises of various ownership patterns.
  • Assistance in working out and introduction of new forms and methods of the management organization of innovative and investment processes.
  • Assistance in development of scientific and technical cooperation.
  • Rendering assistance in the organization of foreign trade activities of managing subjects and realization of direct communications with the enterprises and firms of foreign countries, and also creation of joint ventures in the authorized purposes.
  • Assistance in practical training of young experts in the field of marketing and management.
  • Assistance of cultural-educational activity.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет