Round table «Anatomy of unsuccessful project» took place in SPSUACE
On 22nd September, 2016 at St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering a round table «Anatomy of unsuccessful project» took place.
The given theme was offered by G.V.Kirkin, the chairman of the board of directors of Joint-Stock Company «Building company" IRBIS ". For the years of company work as the anti-recessionary managing director the command «IRBIS» has collected the whole collection of regularities and cause and effect links which lead to the unsuccessful project ending.
Gennady Vladimirovich told about examination of 20 projects (from 1998 till 2015),which were in a crisis state or finished with the big deviations from initial parameters. The speaker illustrated the report with cases from personal practice, opened some details of realization of building projects known in Petersburg. Also Gennady Vladimirovich shared his thoughts about the reasons which make customers accept inefficient decisions.
The report and the subsequent discussion caused a keen interest of participants of the meeting among whom were representatives of Administration of Leningrad region, SPSUACE and other high schools, building companies "IRBIS", AECOM, Open Company «SPb Renovation», Open Company Elta, Open Company "Pallada", Rosengineering Project, etc., the IT companies Rambler, Siemens, e-Legion, Open Company "BK", etc.
The similar meetings where organizers are the faculty of economy and management of SPSUACE and St.-Petersburg branch of the International institute of design management (PMI), have become traditional.
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