Students and teachers of SPSUACE took part in conference «Questions of concrete quality in the Northwest market»

On 20th September, 2016 in the Center of import substitution and localization of St.-Petersburg within the limits of the 29th thematic week «Import substitution in building branch» a conference «Questions of quality of concrete in the Northwest market» took place.

Questions of quality of concrete, reliability of suppliers, innovative technologies in concrete manufacture were brought up, and also possibilities of legislative regulation of responsibility of builders were considered at the conference. As the vice-president of Committee on civil engineering Igor Shikalov underlined, an overall objective at present is not actually import substitution but «removal of import» by the goods quality and the price.

Evgeny Borisovich Smirnov, the pro-rector on scientific and innovative activity, senior lecturers of the chair of technology of building materials and metrology Anna Yurjevna Kovaleva, Vadim Dmitrievich Staroverov, students of a group SM-IV took part in the conference work. PhD in engineering, the senior lecturer Irina Utarbaevna Aubakirova and an assistant of the chair of technology of building materials and metrology Dmitry Igorevich Ryzhov made reports.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет