SPSUACE against terrorism

The actions devoted to the Day of solidarity in a struggle against terrorism passed on September, 3rd, 2016. The organizers of the action were: the department of Management of social and non-learning work with students of SPSUACE, the Chair of history and philosophy of SPSUACE, the Student council.

The program included:

  • A memory lesson «We remember you, Beslan!»;
  • A debatable platform in a format "blitz" «Youth against terror»;
  • A round table «Terrorism-threat to the mankind».

The purpose of the spent actions was to show solidarity and participation in the struggle against terrorism and aversion of violence in a society, to generate an active vital position of youth.

This action pulled together the participants, strengthened their determination to conduct uncompromising struggle against displays of terrorism and extremism in the society.

Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет