SPSUACE has taken part in 16th international specialized branch conference «BaltiMix-2016»
On16 -18th August, 2016, 16th international specialized branch conference «BaltiMix-2016» took place in Kaliningrad, which constant co-organizer is St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering.
Once again the well- known, authoritative and active players of the market of dry building mixes gathered on one platform. 170 delegates from the enterprises and organizations of Russia, the Chinese National Republic, Germany, Finland, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Turkey. participated in the conference work.
Within the limits of the conference business program 24 performances, 2 round tables on which participants exchanged their opinions on prospects of building branch as a whole and the market of dry building mixes in particular took place, there were discussed problems of certification of raw materials for manufacture of dry mixes and many other topical questions for the building branch.
From St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering the senior lecturer of the chair of technology of building materials and metrology, PhD in engineering I.U.Aubakirova performed and formulated in her report problems which are connected with prospect of obligatory certification of dry mixes, possible cancellation of action of GOST 10178-85 and standardization of restoration dry building mixes.
The professor of the chair of technology of building materials and metrology, PhD in engineering, the senior lecturer A. M.Haritonov in his performance considered features of technology and application of restoration dry mixes.
Besides support in carrying out annual conferences BaltiMix, SPSUACE in cooperation with Open Company "Quintet" organizes courses of qualification improvement for technologists of dry building mixes.
I.U.Aubakirova's reports:
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Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет