First hand experience

Until July 31, 2016 Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering organizes internships for students.

During the academic year within the frame of the academic internship the chair of technology of building materials and metrology of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering and the “Group LSR” organize excursions for first year students of education programmes “Engineering”, “Standardization and metrology” to “Umansky” BRU.

About 500 students could participate at excursions. The excursions were held by employees of BRU “Umansky” and quality department. As students of the University are interested no only in control of quality, technological peculiarities of manufacture of concrete and mortar mixes, but also in situation at the engineering market as a whole, at there meeting there were also questions about “Group LSR” itself and about the objects, erected by the Company. Similar internships are very importation in education, as they form basic understanding of technology of manufacture of building materials, goods and constructions.

It shall be noted that “Group LSR” companies are leaders at the construction market of the North-West and students appreciate their knowledge and experience
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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет