Prize of Saint Petersburg Government
For the prominent achievements in higher education and secondary professional education in 2016 professors of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering were awarded Prize of Saint Petersburg Government.
In the nomination “Academic and methodological support of the education process, aimed at improvement of specialist level education quality” Government prizes were awarded to: Rashid A. Mangushev (D.Sc. in engineering, professor, head of the chair of geotechnics of the faculty of civil engineering), Anatoly I. Osokin (professor), Igor I. Sakharov (D.Sc. in engineering, professor). The prize was granted as a high esteem of the great work of the University’s professors resulted in publication of student books – “Mechanics of soils” and “Foundations and footings”.
“Mechanics of soils” is published for students of engineering specialties of all forms of training. This student book covers almost all main areas of the course, and includes a short overview of the calculation schemes in corresponding course chapters. The student book contains essential topics and examples of solution of most contemporary issues of mechanics of soils.
Student book “Foundations and footings” is published for students of higher education institutions studying at specialty “Engineering” (bachelor degree). Here are described main construction types, calculation methods, foundation construction technologies at natural, pile and artificially developed footings. Moreover, the book also covers such topical issues of modern engineering, such as peculiarities of deep foundation construction, design and construction of foundations in dense urban conditions, construction of foundations while their reconstruction.
Congratulations to professors of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering on well-reserved honor!
Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет