Experts of “LSR Group” share their experience with students of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering

On the basis of the Non-commercial partnership “Union of Saint Petersburg engineers” there was held a lecture devoted to peculiarities work of specialists in marketing and advertising in engineering. Head of advertising of “LSR. Real estate – North West” Natalia Kotliar had a meeting with students of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. The meeting was organized within the frame of the fundamental chair which was founded upon initiative of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering.

Students were told about the peculiarities of the profession, about the work of the marketing specialist specializing in residential real estate, explained such terms as “apartment science” and “unique commercial offer”, how creative advertisement is created and aspect in which European concepts of integral urban development is different from the Russian ones. “Marketing specialists shall be aware of all new and strange things, happening at the real estate market in order to speak the same language with the Client, and easily understand what can be interesting for him” – said Ms. Kotliar. – You are just beginning your wat of creative and multi-facetted work. I envy you a little in a good manner and wish you success in this difficult but very interesting work”.

At the end of the meeting Ms. Kotliar answered the students’ questions about career opportunities in the Company for young marketing specialists, about the way the Company creates its reputation, and about the situation we have at the modern construction market.

Specialists of “LSR Group” have already participated in work-shops for students of the fundamental chair of Saint Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering. In March, 2015 our students met commercial director of “LSR. Real estate – North-west” Denis Babakov, who told them about the peculiarities of selling real estate and competitiveness at the construction market. Similar meetings give students a chance to learn more about the peculiarities of the chosen profession and evaluate opportunities of self-realization.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет