“It was great!” SPbGASU freshmen were admitted to studentship
“It was great!” SPbGASU freshmen were admitted to studentship
The Freshman Day took place on September 19, 2019 at the Hall Club in the Warsaw Express Mall. The club accommodated 1300 invitees – the freshmen, members of the Brick Center for Student Leisure and Creativity, deputy deans for educational work, and adapters.

Freshmen at the admission festive event of 2019
- After the official welcome ceremony, the creative teams of the Brick Center showed the audience their mastership. The event was run by the participants of the national KVN team. The apotheosis of the event was the passage of freshmen through the arch, symbolizing the beginning of student life. And, of course, it could not go without dancing to sparkly music, - said the director of TSSDiT "Brick" Irina Deeva.{gallery name="Посвящение первокурсников 24092019"}
How students percept the event
“It was a great event! I didn’t think that there were so many sections at the university, I was charged with this energy,” said Maxim Semibratov, a first-year student of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Municipal Services.
The first-year students of the Faculty of Economics and Management Elina Gerasimenko, Maxim Boykov and Artyom Bulakayev also were impressed with the festive evening. Maxim Boykov said that his classmates became interested in the modern dance and photography studios. “I believe that everything was great!” - summed up Artyom Bulakayev.
Text: Elena Shulgina
Photo: Anastasia Klochko, Olga Shevyakova
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