Charges for electric vehicles and electricity metering
Charges for electric vehicles and electricity metering

M.P. Zamyatin,
SPbGASU Master’s degree student
Electric vehicles are coming into our lives: the first electric buses have already appeared on the roads of St. Petersburg. But the development of electric transport is hampered by the lack of infrastructure for charging it. Therefore, M.P. Zamyatin's Master’s degree thesis, which he defended at the SPbGASU Department of Electric Power Energetics and Equipment, was distinguished by its relevance and timeliness. The topic of the thesis is “Methodology of developing an electric power supply system for electric charging stations”, which corresponds to the “Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving, Nuclear Energy” and “Technology of Energy Saving Systems of Transportation, Distribution and Consumption of Heat and Electricity” goals in the list of “Priority directions for the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation” approved by Presidential Decree N 899 of July 7, 2011.
In his work, the graduate student used modeling on the basis of both real-time computer simulation and with the use of application software packages. As a result, this work proposed solutions for the design of a power supply scheme for connecting the charging stations of electric vehicles.
Master’s degree student A.G. Novikov’s also successfully defended his thesis. The topic of his graduation work was “Electricity metering and data collection from electricity meters”. The paper reviewed and compared the protocols and technologies used or just to be used on the market for remote data collection in the housing and utilities sector. He carried out an analysis based on the popular today technology LoRaWAN for remote data collection at a suburban settlement.
Text: Elena Shulgina
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