Scientists at Sevastopol State University are Working on an Intellectual Prosthesis

Scientists at Sevastopol State University have completed work on the development of an intelligent transfemoral prosthesis with a biosimilar artificial knee joint. The work was conducted with the aid of an internal university grant of 500 thousand rubles and lasted for four months. “In fact, we made a digital model of the prosthesis in four months and then a prototype, a fully functional model, not made of metal, but manufactured using a 3d printer. However this model can yet be used to test external loads. We also developed a motor activity recognition system and a prosthesis drive control system, ”said Alexander Polyakov, Associate Professor at the Department of Technical Mechanics and Machine Science. In Russia, 47-50 thousand prostheses are installed annually and of these, only 198 are semi-active, and all of them are purchased abroad. “If at least semi-active domestic prostheses were available, it would make a huge difference to the lives of people with disabilities. We aim to create an active prosthesis using parts that are already available, which will make it much cheaper to produce. We chose a path that will not cause any problems for a disabled person, by proposing to put inertial sensors on the prostheses. They would work autonomously, ”said Polyakov. Work in this direction has been carried out at Sevastopol University since 2007. That is why in 2018 one of the 10 internal grants was given for the improvement of design modules and subsystems of the hierarchical control system of an intelligent prosthesis. The main condition for the allocation of the funds was the ability to implement the results of the development into practice as quickly as possible. “After our presentations at a number of scientific conferences, we received an offer from the company ‘Motorika’. This company has a grant from Skolkovo, but so far it has only been working on prosthetic arms/hands. In addition, we are negotiating with one of the commercial enterprises in Sevastopol, where some of our graduates work, ” said Polyakov. The scientists at Sevastopol State University intend to continue their work.“We have purchased the components for manufacturing a test bench for the control system of the prosthesis: a linear motion motor in order to simulate the movement of the hip joint, a rotational motion motor and a treadmill. We will continue this work in the near future and will enthusiastically carry out all the tests, ” added Polyakov. [heading color="#808080" style_color="#4184C2" align="left" width="95" size="12" margin="0"]sevsu [/heading]
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