The first online learning center in Russian universities works at SevSU. VIDEO

The first online learning center in Russian universities works at SevSU. VIDEO
What is the Ascreen Interactive Center? This is fully aware of the students of Sevastopol State University. The main task of the center is to develop completely new models of the educational process. The format of the educational space is an IT infrastructure system for group training. The interactive center conducts pairs for engineering and humanities students, video conferences are held, students are engaged in parallel design in a virtual 3D environment, working together on a single project. In the world, such a system is not unique, but the Sevastopol State University is a pioneer in the Russian educational system. [heading color="#808080" style_color="#4184C2" align="left" width="95" size="12" margin="0"]sevsu [/heading]

Партнёр: Севастопольский государственный университет