Underwater Robotics From Sevastopol State University Have Become Prize Winners At "Akvarobotech-2018"

The team ‘Cyber-Rotor’ from the Department of Computer Science and Systems and Control Engineering" at Sevastopol State University took 3rd place at the student stage of Russian National competitions in marine robotics at the festival ‘Akvarobotech-2018’. Students have built a marine robot that searches for objects in the depths of the sea and explores them, and presented their development at the festival. The competitions were held from September 2-5 within the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum (WEF) on the site of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU). Nine teams from Vladivostok, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Novosibirsk and Severodvinsk competed to find out who could control the naval drone the best.The undergraduate students, Nikita Borisenko, Sergey Tsiganov and Maxim Belousov, under the supervision of the head of the Department of Computer Science and Systems and Control Engineering, Alexey Kabanov, competed in the nomination ‘Autonomous Uninhabited Underwater Vehicles’."The autonomous robots were looking for underwater objects. They needed to be identified and labeled, to overcome obstacles in their path and go to an acoustic beacon. The entire set of tasks had to be completed in 20 minutes", said Maxim Belousov.It's difficult to assemble such a device, but it's interesting, each device has its own peculiarities and they are developed according to the latest technologies."We received the assembly kit in April this year and then we began to develop a new educational programme for our university – ‘underwater robotics’", said Mr. Belousov. According to the organizers, the main aim of the festival is to raise the professional level of young scientists and involve them in the community of the leading specialists of Russia. [gallery title="Photo:" width="640" height="480" columns="4"] [gallery_item title="1" src="https://www.sevsu.ru/images/novosti/_2018/09_september/05_09/2.jpg"]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="2" src="https://www.sevsu.ru/images/novosti/_2018/09_september/05_09/4.jpg"]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="3" src="https://www.sevsu.ru/images/novosti/_2018/09_september/05_09/3.jpg"]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="4" src="https://www.sevsu.ru/images/novosti/_2018/09_september/05_09/5.jpg"]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item] [/gallery]
Севастопольский государственный университет