Between Physics and Biology: Sevastopol State University Begins the Training of Unique Interdisciplinary Specialists

The bachelor's programme ‘Physics of Living Systems’ was launched this year at the Department of Physics in the Institute of Radioelectronics and Information Security at Sevastopol State University. "These students will be interdisciplinary specialists, who are able to not only work with modern physics equipment, but are also to understand the patterns by which molecules organize cells, organs and organisms. There are practically no such specialists in Russia”, says the head of the Department of Physics at Sevastopol State University, Oksana Zavyalova. “Now, starting work on the educational programme ‘Physics of Living Systems’, we are aiming to develop new promising areas of research. This year we signed a cooperation agreement with the All-Russian National Research Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making ‘Magarach’ at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ ". According to the employees of ‘Magarach’, interdisciplinary specialists will be in demand in many areas, in particular in winemaking, because wine has a number of physical and chemical properties: viscosity, electrical conductivity, transparency, resistance to opacities and it produces a crystalline precipitate – all of these are physical processes. From 2019, graduates of the University will be able to enter postgraduate budgetary places at ‘Magarach’, that for the 70 years of its existence has produced many doctors of science and candidates of science. Graduates of this new programme will be in demand in other industries too, where various methods of spectral analysis are used, for example: examination of medicinal, narcotic and toxic substances, food products and criminology. The scientific school of molecular biophysics has existed at the Department of Physics at Sevastopol State University for more than 20 years. In 2017, it was recognized as one of the 50 leading scientific schools in Russia by the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation. At senior courses the most talented students will be able to take part in the work on the creation of new and highly effective medicinal systems for the treatment of oncological diseases. "We plan to implement network forms of educational programmes with the Department of Biophysics at the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University, establish cooperation with major scientific centers and direct our graduates to continue their studies at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Pushchino (Moscow Region)", said Zavyalova.
Севастопольский государственный университет