Sevastopol State University Will Open a Network Master's Program

A network master’s programme is a new form of 2 year, full time training, scheduled to start in September 2018 that will allow students to obtain unique professional competencies. A master's programme on ‘Innovative Shipbuilding’ will be jointly implemented at Sevastopol State University, the Northern Arctic Federal University and Kaliningrad State Technical University. The master’s programme was discussed during a workshop at Sevastopol State University by experts from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Tomsk, Far Eastern, Nizhny Novgorod State Universities, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Ural, North-Eastern and Far Eastern Federal Universities and St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The participants at the workshop jointly worked out the structure of the master’s programme taking into account the elements of an integrated curriculum. “Sevastopol State University is developing a digital 3D design module - this is a strong core competence at our university, and colleagues will provide a technological module for practical work – an internship at the leading shipbuilding enterprises of the Russian Federation. Undergraduates will have practical work at the ship repair plant ‘Zvezdochka’ and at the entreprise ‘Sevmash’, said Veronika Dusko, head of the Department of Innovative Shipbuilding and Technologies for Offshore Exploitation at Sevastopol State University. The educational process will take place in the format of the designing and construction of the scientific research vessel Pioneer-M. The work of the project office will be supervised by experts from USC. “The Pioneer-M project is a landmark project for us and requires innovative design methods. Due to the network master’s programme, the university will have new competencies. The process of management and process methods will be ‘mirrored’ in the educational process”, says Leonid Kuznetsov, head of the USC Project Management Department. The creation of a network master’s programme was supported by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. “We will train people who will be able to work at high-tech companies. The unmanned part of Pioneer-M is a breakthrough project, where future specialists in the shipbuilding industry will reach a new level”, noted Alla Kositsyna, head of the ‘Young Professionals’ section of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI). “We are sure that the network master’s programme ‘Innovative Shipbuilding’, will become a model that can be replicated in other technical and engineering universities in Russia”, said representatives of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. [gallery title="Photo:" width="640" height="480" columns="4"][gallery_item title="1" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="2" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="3" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="4" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][/gallery]
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