Sevastopol State University and GLONASS Will Cooperate in the Sphere of National Technological Initiative

Representatives of GLONASS, one of the world leaders in navigation systems industry, and Sevastopol State University discussed the prospects for cooperation in the development of Geo-Information Systems competencies at the university on the basis of high-precision positioning systems within the framework of the National Technology Initiative (NTI).A Seminar "Demonstration of the System of High-Precision Positioning in the Territory of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol" was organized by Sevastopol State University with the participation of the City Administration of Sevastopol, representatives of state enterprises, business structures and cadastral engineers. “One of the segments of the NTI is digital navigation, and our university aims for leadership in it”, said Maxim Yevstigneyev, Vice-rector for Research and Innovation at Sevastopol State University.Therefore Sevastopol State University invested in the development of monitoring infrastructure and purchased equipment. “It is very important that the seminar resulted in a decision on how to further develop the satellite system that is currently being used at the university and what joint projects in the sphere of research and development we could conduct with GLONASS”, he said. “By the autumn all action plans will be coordinated in the directions that we discussed. We are confident that we will be able to successfully implement all the joint initiatives”, said Vladislav Aravin, Advisor to the General Director of GLONASS. During the practical part of the seminar, the participants were shown the capabilities of high-precision positioning systems using real-world examples: determining the coordinates of various objects in real time, coordinating points during the scanning of objects and the navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles. The seminar was also aimed at modernizing and developing the new master's programmes that are planned to start at Sevastopol State University in 2019: ‘Applied Informatics. Geomatics’, ’Cartography and Geo-Informatics’ and ‘Geodesy and Remote Sensing’. “We want to attract specialists working at GLONASS to deliver remote lectures and practical work within the framework of these programmes”, said Irina Shumeiko, head of the Department of Information Systems at Sevastopol State University. [gallery title="Photo:" width="640" height="480" columns="4"][gallery_item title="1" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="2" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="3" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="4" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="5" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="6" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="7" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="8" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="9" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item]…[gallery_item title="10" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="11" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="12" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="13" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="14" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="15" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][gallery_item title="16" src=""]IMAGE_DESCRIPTION[/gallery_item][/gallery]
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