International master class of students of SPSUACE and University Ball State (USA)

On 18th May, 2018 at the St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering a creative experiment - international master class of students of SPSUACE and University Ball State (the State of Indiana, the USA) came to the end.

The American delegation was headed by professor Timothy Charles Grey. The Master class was organized by a senior lecturer of the department of architecture-building designs O.A.Pastuh and the Head of the department of international education and cooperation V.A.Artemeva with the support of the pro-rector on study S. G.Golovina.

About the beginning of the visit it was informed in news from 15.05.2018

The American delegation visited the History Museum, Scientific and technical library, the University workshops. The program provided thematic open lectures and practical training, visiting historical objects of different stylistic directions, acquaintance to the cultural heritage of St.-Petersburg, and also a free time for dialogue with the Russian students and teachers in informal conditions.

Participants of the creative practice investigated three basic directions:

  • City-ensemble as the environment of human life and activities;
  • Object in the historical environment (a housing estate, social-office buildings, an industrial aspect of city life, «a grey belt of SPb»);
  • Architectural details of buildings and constructions (bridges, houses, fortresses, cathedrals, fort constructions).

The work was conducted in the historical centre, so-called «a grey belt» and areas of modern construction. Upon termination of the work the participants showed their presentations and received certificates.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет