Inter-regional scientific-theoretical conference devoted to the 90 anniversary of the doctor of architecture Y.S.Ushakov
On 19th February, 2018 the Inter-regional scientific-theoretical conference devoted to the 90 anniversary of the doctor of architecture, the professor, the winner of the State award of RSFSR in architecture Yury S. Ushakov started work at the St.-Petersburg state university of architecture and civil engineering.
The conference purpose - preservation and popularization of research, art and teaching heritage of Y.S.Ushakov, and also an exchange of experience and opinions in questions of preservation of wooden architecture of the Russian North.
Participants of the conference were: teachers, post-graduate students, employees of SPSUACE, St.Petersburg State University, Petrozavodsk State University, scientific research institute " Specproektrestoration", Memorial estate "Kizhi", Memorial estate "Rozhdestveno".
The doctor of architecture Yury S. Ushakov (1928 - 1996) is known as an expert in Russian wooden architecture and a co-author of a fundamental work «History of Russian architecture». Many people with grateful warmth remember Yury Sergeevich: some remember him as an instructor, others - as a tireless head of the Commission of history of architecture and protection of monuments in the Leningrad branch of the Union of architects, some recollect his bright performances in the Central lecture hall in a thematic cycle «Around ancient cities of Russia».
The participants of the conference discussed pressing questions of restoration and preservation of monuments of wooden architecture, shared memoirs about the outstanding scientist.
«Yury S. Ushakov is a whole epoch. He made so much for the architectural faculty of SPSUACE, was the head of the department which now is the department of history and theory of architecture. He was not only an architect, researcher - but also a tremendous graphic artist. His works are the property of many museums», - told S. V.Sementsov the head the department of architectural and town-planning heritage of SPSUACE.
The exhibition of scientific publications, books and textbooks of Y.S.Ushakov will be open till 28th February, 2018 in the Scientific and technical library of SPSUACE.
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