SPSUACE at I All-Russia forum on educational work «Сharacter building and studentship »
From 13 to 15th December, 2017 I All-Russia forum on educational work « Сharacter building and studentship» was held in St.-Petersburg; the pro-rector on external relations and youth policy of SPSUACE I.J.Lapina, the head of the department of social and non-learning work with students ,I. V.Nuryeva, the chairman of the student council V.Klyovan took part in the Forum.
The Forum was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The Forum purpose was discussion of new approaches in realization of educational work and the organization of student's self-management bodies, working out requirements to standard-legal, financial, informative supply of educational work in organizations of higher education.
Representatives of public authorities, the All-Russia youth public organizations, experts in the field of education and upbringing took part in the Forum work.

Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет