Department of geotechnics of SPSUACE updated the labware

In 2017 the department of geotechnics got the equipment for tests of soils from the Russian company " Geotec”. New devices are equipped by automatic system of measurement of efforts and movings and the automated complex on processing tests’ results.

Also a test stand for modeling tension of subfoundations and bases, equipped with automatic system of measurement of deformation and efforts was obtained. It is planned to establish additional gauges of pressure which will allow to measure tension in a soil file. At present the stand is being set and checked out by students Vyacheslav Polunin, Marina Sagun and Anastasia Boytsova under the direction of I. P.Djakonov.

The cryosolic laboratory where a master degree student Andrey Boyarintsev is conducting the tests connected with work of a composite pile in frozen soils has been restored. Students Maria Dudko, Veronica Chvanova, Polina Levinskaya are assisting him.

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Партнёр: Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет