A seminar of the associate professor of South Korean university Songsil Dzhungmann Choy in SPSUACE
On 20th December, 2017 an open seminar «Modern experience of designing, building and certification of power effective housing construction in Republic Korea» of the president of Korean institute of passive buildings, the associate professor of the faculty of architectural design of Engineering school of the University Songsil mister Dzhungmann Choy took place in the design office of SPSUACE «Clever city».
At the seminar along with representatives of building business of St.-Petersburg, students and post-graduate students of SPSUACE, there was Julia A. Gracheva – PhD in biology, an expert of voluntary certification on the standard GREEN ZOOM (Russia).
Professor Choy told about experience of works on certification of ecological housing construction in Republic Korea: « Building of passive houses began in Germany in 2009 and carried out by three principles - comfort, low consumption of energy, economic efficiency. By 2017 in Europe there have already been certificated about 4 000 passive houses, and this voluntary certification is increasing. Korea has begun experimental building of passive houses since 2005, active building - since 2009, and today 160 houses are certificated. Unlike Europe Korea certificates the passive house at consumption primary energy on heating to 50 kw-h. To establish this standard, the Institute of the passive house of Korea (PHIKO) has collected and analyzed the data received in already constructed buildings. As a result, the Korean national standard of passive housing construction has recently been accepted taking into account climatic condition (humidity and solar radiation) and peculiarities of way of life - with heating floor. Certainly, this standard is not ultimate, it is still in a realization stage. In the process of accumulation of the data on human livelihood, the standards can change».
Besides, mister Choy showed a standard procedure of calculation of an exchange of air in Korea on an example of auditorium where the seminar took place. In his opinion, the basic error of the Russian housing construction - the insufficient attention given to compulsory ventilation of premises with use of recuperation systems. Modern technologies of hinged facades and plastic windows strongly limit an exchange of fresh air, and it harms to people being in premises. Simple forced ventilation, without recuperation, seriously cools internal space that leads to big power losses, reducing to zero an effort on warming buildings. Many interesting ideas concerning possibilities of joint researches with SPSUACE in the field of wide application of principles of passive housing construction in Russia were stated.
Mister Choy and the assistant to rector of SPSUACE, the head of design office Alexander G. Chernyh, agreed to continue contacts for formation of conditions on acceptance of high-grade national ecological and power saving standards in Russia and also exchanged opinions concerning joint realization of the project « Clever city» in practice.
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