SPSUACE at XXII St.-Petersburg assembly of young scientists and experts
XXII St.-Petersburg assembly of young scientists and experts took place on 18th December, 2017. Winners of grant competitions for students, post-graduate students, young scientists and candidates of sciences of 2017, and also students of nominal grants of the government of St.-Petersburg took part in it. The number of winners included representatives of SPSUACE:
In a nomination « young PhD of sciences»:
Bazhenov Alexander, PhD in engineering, a senior lecturer of the department of of over-ground transport technological machines;
Panteleev Dmitry, PhD in engineering, the assistant of the department of technology of building materials and metrology;
Semenov Alexey, PhD in engineering, the head of the department of information technology .
In a nomination « young scientist»:
Marusin Alexey, the assistant of the department of technical operation of vehicles ;
Orlov Denis,a paperwork manager of the department of technical operation of vehicles.
In a nomination «post-graduates of higher schools of St.-Petersburg»:
Golikov Vasily.
In a nomination «students of higher schools of St.-Petersburg»:
Klyovan Vadim;
Kostrikin Maxim;
Sorochan Anton;
Khrenov Georgy.
Grant-aided students of the Government of St.-Petersburg:
Borodacheva Julia;
Kovaleva Polina;
Kriheli Dmitry;
Larina Tatyana;
Makarova Tatyana;
Rozhdestvenskaya Nadezhda;
Telegina Valentina;
Shituhina Nadezhda.
In total, in 2017 948 young researchers received grants. For all the history of carrying out competitions there have been over 20 thousand winners, many of them have subsequently achieved serious success in sciences.
We congratulate the winners!
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