Student's teams finished their labor season
On 17th September, 2017 an action of finishing summer labor season of St.-Petersburg student's teams took place on the area at Naryshkin bastion of Peter and Paul Fortress. SPSUACE was represented by the head of the Department of social and non-learning work with students I. V.Nuryeva and members of the student's teams.
This big event collected more than one and a half thousand students from 85 student's teams. The chairman of the council of rectors of high schools of St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region A. V.Demidov, the first deputy of the chairman of the Committee on the youth policy and interaction with public organizations. G.Zastavny and the commander of St.-Petersburg regional branch of "Russian student’s teams" D.A.Dovbysh welcomed the members of student’s teams.
There was summed up the labor season-2017 and the best members were awarded. The commissioner of the command center of the SPSUACE "Arlekino" Olga Sulimova was awarded «For the contribution to development of student's teams».
The event ended with a midday shot from Peter and Paul Fortress gun.
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Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет