«Sberbank library» in SPSUACE
On 8th September, 2017 a solemn delivery of a series of books «Sberbank Library» to the University took place in the Main library of SPSUACE. This action was organized due to a cooperation between Sberbank and SPSUACE.
The collection of books was handed over by representatives of Sberbank: the chief of the sector of salary projects Alexey Kuznetsov and the head of the department on work with the head-office personnel across St.-Petersburg Elena Rudneva. Irina Ishchenko the assistant to the rector and the chief of the department on public relations Elena Klimenko represented SPSUACE.
«In our company we are used to sharing knowledge. – said E.N.Rudneva, - the Sberbank library constantly replenishes both paper and electronic items. Books are different, but all of them are about personal development, arrangement of processes and mutual relations, achieving results».
«I am assured that these editions will be demanded», - said Irina Herman, the head of SPSUACE library.
The representatives of Sberbank wished everybody success and expressed hope to continue the cooperation.

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